Tuesday, February 20, 2018

TOP faucets to claim free crypto

Do you want some cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, DOGE, Potcoin, Ripple and others for free? You are on a right place! Here are tips for some really good faucets tested by me.

For each cryptocurrency you will need a PC/android wallet and also account at Faucethub.io

Always have latest antivirus and antimalware programs installed and running!

BTC Faucets
FAUCET 1 Easy faucet, you can select CAPTCHA, no need to use keyborad, you can claim with mouse only
FAUCET 2 Similar style, easy to claim
FAUCET 3 Easy to claim, giving Satoshi in range, loading quickly
FAUCET 4 Same as the previous one, really easy to claim, 5 minute timer

DOGE Faucets
FAUCET 1 Decide how much and how quickly do you want to claim. You can also mine here and claim bonuses up to 400% here. Fastest paying DOGE faucet.
FAUCET 2 Claim once per hour, multiple coins you won
FAUCET 3 One of my favourite, paying big

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